These are the inspections we offer.

This service is offered to the client/purchaser of the home. This is a full on-site report, with digital photos and, of course, the Horizon web based report.

This service is offered to the homeowner prior to listing your home in the market. This is a full on-site report, with digital photos and, of course, the Horizon web based report.

Seasonal Report
This service is offered to the homeowner. This will help develop a maintenance program for the spring and fall seasons. This is a program that will point the client to the necessary maintenance to get their home through the rough seasons.

One Year Warranty Inspection
This service is offered to the homeowner prior to the end of their one year warranty. This will provide the homeowner with a good idea as to what might need repair before the warranty expires. This is a full on-site report, with digital photos and, of course, the Horizon web based report.

Homeowners Report
This service is offered to the homeowner. This will help determine the possible concerns and general maintenance that becomes evident while the homeowner owns their home. It may also help in developing a long term maintenance budget for new and present homeowners.

This service is offered to the purchaser/builder. It is wise to have your home inspected prior to signing the final documents prior to the builder turning the property over to the buyer. This is a full on-site report, with digital photos and, of course, the Horizon web based report.